An Epic Request (Ordered by top to bottom in the Task Window): An Epic Request (Bard) | An Epic Request (Berserker) | An Epic Request (Enchanter) | An Epic Request (Shaman) | An Epic Request (Cleric) | An Epic Request (Shadow Knight) | An Epic Request (Wizard) | An Epic Request (Magician) | An Epic Request (Druid) | An Epic Request (Ranger) | An Epic Request (Necromancer) | An Epic Request (Rogue) | An Epic Request (Beastlord) | An Epic Request (Warrior) | An Epic Request (Paladin) | An Epic Request (Monk)
Quest Giver: Lady Carolline of Thex (in Felwithe) Requirements: Must have your Epic 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 Rewards
Task Steps:
Re: An Epic Request By: Wadin Pureheart On: July 21, 2016, 08:34:12 AM
In order to complete the Ranger Epic Retelling achievement, you need to forage the following items before you kill Reaver Kildraz X`Ti:
Foraged after you are punted from the bear cave but before you find the first track point: Beyar's Rattle
Foraged after first track point and before hailing the frantic wolf: Frantic Wolf's Favorite
Foraged after hail of frantic wolf and before curing Hopkit: Hopkit's Lost Carrot
Foraged after curing Hopkit and before killing Reaver Kildraz X`ti: Lingering Essence of Corruption
From what I was able to tell, if you did not get the foraged items in the period mentioned above, they could not be foraged. I spent 2.5 hours at the point of killing Reaver Kildraz X`ti attempting to get one of my last pieces before I gave up and tried the event again.
I did find that if you do not kill the Reaver by a specific time (approximately 1 hour from the time you are punted from the bear cave) the 'Event' will reset. This is convenient if you missed getting an item since you can just head to the caves and get punted again. At which point, it will be possible to forage the items you may have missed in the correct task section of the event.
The items are No Store, No Zone, No Trade. It means that if you want to complete this achievement, you need to stay in zone from the time you are punted from the bear cave to the end when Tunare appears. Do not zone or crash.
-Wadin Pureheart of Quellious
Huntmaster, 105 summers
Re: An Epic Request By: Kinnyphie On: June 13, 2016, 08:02:50 AM
This is a great walkthrough, ...
with some amendments needed ...
first line all caps ...
Bind Wound is supercharged during this expedition and grants full health INSTANTLY !
Quote from: Offense-Vox on March 13, 2014, 03:22:21 AM
To shed some light on this mission for everyone..
1) After grabbing the sword on the ground, shoot down the gargoyle with bow/throwing.
2) Use the above mentioned Kick > Taunt > Disarm on the first gargoyle phase. Dps it down to 75%. It will take the sword back and fly back into the air.
3) Shoot down the gargoyle again, this time use Bash > Taunt > Disarm. (Read the emotes, this is 100% Accurate, dont waste 15 minutes straight trying to kick/taunt/disarm it again like i did)
4) Go through watching the ogres, then undead will spawn and charge you. You can *TAKE YOUR TIME* with this, dont stress about hurrying to kill like everyone mentions. It means nothing. Use the above mentioned Bash > Taunt > Kick > Disarm, then melee it down as normal.
* Take your time but dont waste time. After a certain time elapses if you fail to kill all the skeletons, those that remain will attack you all at once along with the Ogre, this is really only an issue if you try to kite to stall for time and use heal potions, bring plenty of bandages and take skeletons down as they come one at time *
5) THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART that no one seems to understand. All of these skeletons DROP BANDAGES. Loot them all. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
* Equip epic weaponry for final encounter to avoid massive damage and death *
6) After all skeletons have died, the ogre will charge you for the last time, hitting decently. Only use TAUNT AND KICK. Don't go crazy on taunt and kick, you CAN take your time. What I did was I used bind wound everytime I reached 90%. As long as your hp doesnt drop to 80%(guessing) or below, he WILL NOT HIT YOU FOR 30K+. The bind wounds will instantly heal you for 10k+. Instantly.
7) Enjoy winning EASILY and not dying over and over again because people dont realize you dont have to spam any discs or abilities. Just use bind wound..
Re: An Epic Request By: Offense-Vox On: March 13, 2014, 03:20:53 AM
To shed some light on this mission for everyone..
1) After grabbing the sword on the ground, shoot down the gargoyle with bow/throwing.
2) Use the above mentioned Kick > Taunt > Disarm on the first gargoyle phase. Dps it down to 75%. It will take the sword back and fly back into the air.
3) Shoot down the gargoyle again, this time use Bash > Taunt > Disarm. (Read the emotes, this is 100% Accurate, dont waste 15 minutes straight trying to kick/taunt/disarm it again like i did)
4) Go through watching the ogres, then undead will spawn and charge you. You can TAKE YOUR TIME with this, dont stress about hurrying to kill like everyone mentions. It means nothing. Use the above mentioned Bash > Taunt > Kick > Disarm, then melee it down as normal.
5) THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART that no one seems to understand. All of these skeletons DROP BANDAGES. Loot them all. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
6) After all skeletons have died, the ogre will charge you for the last time, hitting decently. Only use TAUNT AND KICK. Don't go crazy on taunt and kick, you CAN take your time. What I did was I used bind wound everytime I reached 90%. As long as your hp doesnt drop to 80%(guessing) or below, he WILL NOT HIT YOU FOR 30K+. The bind wounds will instantly heal you for 10k+. Instantly.
7) Enjoy winning EASILY and not dying over and over again because people dont realize you dont have to spam any discs or abilities. Just use bind wound..
Re: An Epic Request By: Agalyia On: August 27, 2013, 09:17:01 PM
The maps included in this post are extremely handy. Thank you for creating and sharing them!
Re: An Epic Request By: Purefunk On: March 16, 2013, 02:05:10 PM
Sutengs two friends both die every time and I'm left still killing skeles while Suteng finishes the commander, I kill the skeles pretty darn fast. Then commander finally dies Suteng engages, I furious, armor of experience...kick taunt bazu bellow, ae taunt, stonewall once furious wears off. And still he kills me before any update, this last time with a new DZ his max hit was 9k last hit. Argh so frustrating since I know I got the mechanics down 100% heh.
Re: An Epic Request By: Riou On: March 16, 2013, 02:20:09 AM
Quote from: Purefunk on March 15, 2013, 09:01:29 PM
Not sure if it's a glitch but boss at end of Warrior instance has one shot killed me 3 times, with hits ranging from 24k to 41k. I'm level 70 with over 1k aa, full GoD/CoA raid gear. There has to be something wrong here, I even tried fortitude/furious. Will try again with furious see if I can get enough hate built.
I believe when he hits that hard it means you haven't killed the Skeletons in time
Re: An Epic Request By: Purefunk On: March 15, 2013, 09:01:29 PM
Not sure if it's a glitch but boss at end of Warrior instance has one shot killed me 3 times, with hits ranging from 24k to 41k. I'm level 70 with over 1k aa, full GoD/CoA raid gear. There has to be something wrong here, I even tried fortitude/furious. Will try again with furious see if I can get enough hate built.
An Epic Request By: Riou On: March 11, 2013, 06:34:27 AM
Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page - https://special.eqresource.com/anepicrequest.php